Chakras are Affected by Your Age

Did you know that we predominantly develop one chakra at a time as we go through our lives? Chakras are affected by our age.

This can mean that one particular chakra can be substantially blocked if are having  issues at a particular period in our lives, which generally occurs in 7 year cycles, from the day we are born.

Where Does this fit in my life at the moment?

Would you like to know where your life fits in this cycle at the moment?

Check out the table below. Each primary chakra change indicates a significant change in a person’s life. Once you go through the cycle from the Base to the Crown chakra, you then start again. Hence, why a lot of people think of elderly people as childlike.

Have a look at the chart below and see if your current age corresponds to the development description. The ages may not be precise but you will fit somewhere on the life cycle and I’m sure you will be amazed at how accurate it is.

Once you determine where you fit, you can easily determine that the corresponding chakra may be blocked if you are having issues with this period of your life and you can then take action to clear it.

Years Chakra Development Later Years
1-7 Base Spiritual & Physical 49-56
7 -14 Sacral Emotional 56-62
14 – 21 Solar Plexus Personal PowerMoving Away from home 62 – 68
21 – 28 Heart Career & Family 68 – 72
28 – 35 Throat Community & Environment 72 – 78
35 – 42 Brow Question what you are doing? What’s it all about? 78 – 82
42 – 49 Crown Try to resolve the conclusions that you come to.Think about the path you want to follow 82 onwards
Cycle restarts   Do it before it’s too late – Go back to the top of the chart  

Want to learn More?

If we do not clear blocks in our aura, they will keep affecting the chakras.

If would like to learn how to clear your chakras using crystals and how to also cleanse 5 lines of your aura, take a look at my Crystal Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing course by clicking here…

You can also sign up for my FREE Chakra Clearing meditation by entering your name and email address into the box below.

If you would like to know how to clear your chakras using crystals check out my earlier BLOG here >>How Do I Balance my Chakras?

Blessings & Love


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  1. How do I Balance my Chakras? - Indigo Soul - […] Did you know that your Chakras are Affected by Your Age? Find out more here… […]

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