How do I Balance my Chakras?

Many people ask “How do I balance my chakras”? But, do you even know what chakras are?

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel – they are spinning vortices of energy. The earliest mention of the term chakra is said to come from the ancient Vedas – 4 holy books of the Hindus, believed to date back before 2,500 BC.

Chakra healing is based on the belief that in order for total well being to take place we must act on the integrated whole.

Chakras operate like interconnected, self-opening valves that channel universal life-force energy into the body. They are self opening valves and they open and close on a daily basis. I

t is when they are blocked that it affects your well-being and the disfunction of one chakra can affect another.

So, you may ask “How do I balance my chakras?”. In this blog I will tell you how to balance them with crystals.


Where are they on the body?

White – Crown Chakra – Top of the Head

Purple – Third Eye


Blue – Throat Chakra

Green – Heart Chakra


Yellow – Solar Plexus

Orange – Sacral Chakra

Red – Root chakra  

What is Chakra Balancing?

Chakra balancing can be done on yourself and other people. It uses a full rainbow layout which consists of 7 stones of a colour which vibrates with each particular chakra. Malfunctions can occur when the energy flowing through the chakras is either excessive or deficient By recognising these malfunctions, you can transform all aspects of your life and that of others, for the better. The chakra system vibrates to the related colours within the aura and can be balanced very easily using crystals of the same colour. It is the colour that is important not the stones.

What Crystals should be used?

Chakra Point


Suggested Crystals



Clear Quartz






Blue Lace Agate



Green Aventurine

Solar Plexus








Red Jasper


Dark Stone

Black Obsidian

These are the crystals I suggest for chakra balancing, although, as stated before, it is the colour of the stone that is important. Therefore, you can use any crystal that matches the colour of the chakra It is not always necessary to use all 7 stones. If you identify that a particular chakra needs balancing, you can simply place your chosen stone/s on the chakra that needs alignment. However, I always place them all on as it is always nice to give them all a boost.

Top Tip:

You cannot leave the crystals on too long, they will stop working once they are no longer needed.

If you would like to learn more, I have a fabulous Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing course available which teaches you all about the chakras in-depth and also how to balance your own and other people’s chakras via distance. Blocks in the aura from the past and present will keep affecting the chakras if not cleared and in this brand new course that also covers aura cleansing, you will learn how to harness the super powerful healing energy of crystals.

You can also gain an accredited IPHM certificate in Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing. 

Check it out on the link below. 

Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing Course

You can also get my free Chakra Balancing meditation by signing up to my newsletter in the box at the bottom of this page.

Did you know that your Chakras are Affected by Your Age? Find out more here…

Love & Blessings

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  1. Chakras are Affected by Your Age - Indigo Soul - […] If you would like to know how to clear your chakras using crystals check out my earlier BLOG here…

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