Getting Crystal Clear

It’s good to get crystal clear about the best way to choose crystals. There are no set rules or regulations about which crystals you should choose for yourself but the best selection process is INTUITION.

There is always a good reason why one crystal stands out from the rest …

when you are selecting them for personal use – your initial reaction to a crystal will usually provide a good clue as to how its energy reacts with the current state of energy and balance within your body at the time.

Also pay particular attention to the stones that you instinctively dislike – this is an indication that the qualities of the energy present in the stone is not suitable for you at this moment in time.

Methods of Selection

  • Sight
  • Scanning
  • Vibration
  • Pendulum

A stone will only stay with you for as long as its energy is needed …

after which time it will remove itself. Many people report how they mysteriously lose a crystal, gemstone or a piece of jewellery when they most wanted to wear or use it, only to find that some days, weeks or months later it reappears – this is because you are now in tune with its energy and are receptive to its healing power.

Sensations from Crystals

  • Energetic charge
  • Breeze or cool sensation across the skin
  • Flow of energy from the crystal
  • Coldness or heat
  • Pulsing/vibration
  • Flush or wave of heat through the body
  • Feelings of being enclosed in an energy field

The easiest and most effective way to choose the crystal that you need at the moment is to use or buy the one that catches your eye. One method is to close your eyes and then go for the one your eyes are led to first of all when you open your eyes. If you choose a crystal using this method and look it up in the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, you will be surprised that it resonates with what you need at the moment. A good tip when reading up on a particular crystal is to scan the pages and read out the sections that stand out to you as not all the crystal’s properties will resonate with you.

You can also always test which crystal to use using the pendulum method. I have done another article on using a pendulum. Check it out here >>>>Pendulum Dowsing in 3 Easy Steps

By using a pendulum, you can ask if you should wear a certain crystal necklace or crystal bracelet on a particular day.

You cannot overdose on a crystal …

so do not worry about wearing it for too long; your body will absorb exactly what you need at the time. However, you may need to wear the same crystal for a period of time to get the benefit needed. Be sure to clear your crystals regularly to ensure they are clear of anyone else’s energy before you wear them.


Want to Learn More?

Get my popular Online Crystal Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing Course when you join my Tribe (Limited Offer). Click on the Indigo Soul Tribe link below for more information. 

Indigo Soul Tribe (CLICK HERE)

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